Cara Mendapatkan Keuntungan Bermain Di Situs Judi Online Terpercaya

Ada banyak cara untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dalam jumlah yang besar. Anda dapat membuat akun permainan dalam dunia internet untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Tentunya, hal ini karena ada situs permainan daring yang dapat Anda pakai untuk kemenangan permainan.

Permainan judi sudah menjadi pilihan semua orang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dalam jumlah besar. Anda punya kesempatan untuk mendapatkan banyak uang dengan langkah sederhana seperti ini. Ada banyak orang yang memakai langkah ini untuk meraih keuntungan. Anda dapat membuat akun permainan untuk meraih keuntungan. Banyak orang yang menjadikan permainan judi sebagai sebuah prioritas.

Cara Untung Dalam situs judi online terbaik

Anda dapat meraih keuntungan dengan beragam cara yang mudah. Tentunya, ini adalah salah satu alasan hampir semua orang membuat akun permainan di situs judi online terbaik. Ada beragam macam keuntungan dalam permainan yang dapat diperoleh. Anda dapat memakai cara mudah untuk meraih banyak keuntungan. Anda dapat memakai beberapa langkah ini untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sendiri.

Pilih Situs Judi Online Terbaik

Langkah pertama yang dapat Anda pakai untuk mendapatkan keuntungan permainan adalah memilih tempat bermain yang tepat. Ada banyak sekali situs permainan yang tersedia dalam dunia internet. Anda dapat menggunakan cara mudah untuk meraih keuntungan besar. Ada banyak orang yang memakai langkah ini untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Anda dapat memakai cara sederhana dalam permainan dengan memilih situs yang sesuai.

Anda tidak akan mendapatkan keuntungan apapun tanpa pemakaian pada situs togel online terbaik sendiri. Penting halnya untuk melakukan pemilihan pada situs permainan sendiri. Kamu dapat meraih keuntungan dengan pemilihan yang sesuai. Gunakan situs yang tepat karena dapat memberikan penawaran fairplay. Selain itu, tidak akan ada penipuan sama sekali dalam permainan dengan menggunakan agen yang sesuai.

Pelajari Permainan

Langkah lain yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah mempelajari permainan dengan baik. Ada banyak media yang dapat Anda pakai untuk mempelajari permainan. Anda dapat menggunakan media video untuk belajar permainan yang tepat. Selain memakai media video untuk belajar, Anda dapat menggunakan media yang sederhana dalam permainan. Ada orang yang menggunakan artikel dan beragam media lainnya untuk belajar yang mudah.

Fokus Dalam Bermain

Dalam permainan sendiri, Anda harus pastikan untuk selalu fokus dalam permainan sendiri. Hindari melakukan kesalahan dalam permainan sendiri. Anda hanya dapat mendapatkan kemenangan jika paham akan seluruh alur dalam permainan. Pastikan tidak menyulitkan diri karena permainan ini penting. Anda dapat melihat langkah lawan dalam permainan dan mendapatkan kemenangan dengan langkah sederhana juga.

Ini merupakan beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan permainan dalam situs judi online terbaik. Anda dapat meraih kemenangan dengan beragam cara lainnya. Pastinya, beberapa cara ini dapat membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dalam jumlah yang besar. Jika kamu ingin bermain di situs judi online,  kamu silahkan kunjungi situs resmi milik Gitar100 yang  banyak menyediakan jenis permainan yang mudah untuk mendapatkan kemenangan, silahkan di coba dan daftarkan diri kamu semoga hoki kami bagus di saat bermain di Situs Nagamenslot .


6 Ways to Increase Sales After the Holidays

Your Business Guide on Beating Post-Holiday Fatigue
It’s no surprise that people shop more doing the holiday season. A report by Adobe Analytics found that consumers spent $80.3 billion—and that was just online—from November 1 to December 6 in 2018.

If you were fortunate, your business enjoyed great seasonal success.

But whether you made a hefty profit or experienced a holiday sales slump, there are ways to increase sales in January. I’m sharing 6 of my favourites:

1. Throw another sale. While customers may feel post-holiday fatigue after an overwhelming number of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas and Boxing Day deals, you can still reach your target audience with a tempting winter clearance.

Here’s a good example: Clothing and home retailer Anthropologie has a winter clearance on all sale items. By taking another 40% off items that are already at a reduced price, they’re appealing to customers and clearing out old stock to make room for new spring inventory.

Remember that your fans are savvy, so be authentic rather than just slapping a sale sign on a poorly selling product or calling a small discount a “winter clearance.” ?

2. Tie in New Year’s resolutions. No matter what product or service you’re selling, there’s probably a way to tie in the “New Year, New You” angle.

A 2018 survey by Tangerine found that nearly 70% of Canadians have made resolutions. Over half of respondents focused on improving their physical health, and almost a third wanted to get better at managing their finances.

So, start by thinking about how your product or service improves someone’s:? ? Financial, personal or professional success ? Health or wellness ? Confidence or self-esteem ? Productivity ? Relationships

Then, brainstorm ways that you could incorporate New Year’s resolutions and goals into your sales program to prevent a post-holiday sales slump.

3. Create a buying guide or blog. While we tend to give Xmas most of the attention, don’t forget that people want gift ideas year-round.

According to the 2019 Holiday Season Shopping Report, 47% of gift shoppers surveyed didn’t know what to buy. To turn browsers into customers any time of year, help guide your visitors. For example, you could create a top 10 list of popular gifts for teens or Moms, or highlight the hottest gifts for Father’s Day.

People will feel less overwhelmed and will be more likely to add an item to their cart with a little guidance, which can really help you increase sales after the holidays.

4. Update your newsletter signup. With so much going on in a small business owner’s life, it can be easy to overlook this important marketing tool. Are you offering an eBook that’s been up for years with a newsletter signup, or pushing an outdated promo?

Take a look at your eNewsletter signup page and think about the year ahead. Is there a way you can make it more appealing to attract leads and sales?

Maybe you could create some fresh content like an eBook or a video tutorial, or offer a free consultation.

5. Spruce up your social media. If you gave your social media accounts a holiday touch, now’s the time to take down the decorations, so to speak. Even if you didn’t add any holiday flair, now is a great opportunity to reflect on what messaging you’re putting out there.

While you shouldn’t update your logo or branding just because it’s a new year, at least do a sweep of your social media to see if you need to change/add:

? Your operating hours and location on Facebook and Google My Business. ? Old pinned tweets on your Twitter account. ? Images for Google My Business and Instagram. ? Profile photos for all of your social media accounts.

While you might argue that this isn’t directly a way to increase sales after the holidays, you’d be surprised! If you have old assets collecting dust or you can’t be bothered to change out a Christmas banner on a social media platform, people are going to wonder how efficient and trustworthy your small business is.

Read: The Right Reasons for Rebranding Your Business Logo Over time your business will grow and evolve. You may offer new services or products, enter different markets or target another demographic. If this happens, you might need to consider changing your marketing graphics.

However, you need to be careful you’re not undoing all the hard marketing and branding work that you’ve done and that you fully understand how to rebrand for the most effective results.

Read more on our website.

6. Get creative with celebrations throughout the year. There’s a long list of January “holidays” you can check out on that will get you started. By making a note of relevant dates throughout the year, there are surely some fun ways that you can incorporate them into your marketing strategy.

You could offer a discount, freebie or promo that relates to what you sell. Here’s a delicious example: The Italian chain Carrabba’s Italian Grill celebrated National Pasta Day last year with a $10 pasta deal. ??

One of my favourite examples is what WWF did for World Penguin Day (it’s coming up on April 25!). They shared an informative article ‘Top 10 facts about emperor penguins’, with a call to action to “adopt” one of these adorable waddling birds.

We were so much captivated by this campaign, we adopted a few ourselves! Since the Emperor Penguin is our official mascot, how could we not!

No, we didn’t get our very own penguin, but we did get a cuddly toy, regular updates, stickers and other cool stuff for supporting the initiative.

There’s no reason why you have to expect and accept a post-holiday sales slump. While we tend to focus a lot of our marketing (and personal) energy on the festive season, we must remember that our customers are still out there! They want to hear from us in a meaningful and relevant way.

With a little planning and creativity, you can break through the post-holiday fatigue and set up your small business for a prosperous 2020.

How to Find Inspiration When Designing Your Own Logo

Find Inspiration when making your own logo design
It’s well known that a unique and creative logo can present a lot of value to a business, helping the business establish a brand identity and distinguish itself from the competition. With that said, though, coming up with an idea for a unique and creative logo is quite often easier said than done.

If you are working with a designer to help you create a logo for your business then you will have someone else in your corner to help with the process of coming up with an ideal design. If you decide to design your own logo though, the responsibility of creating a unique and eye-catching design will fall squarely on your shoulders.

The good news, though, is that inspiration can be found all around you. To help you get started, here are a few tips that you can use to find inspiration when designing your own logo.

Take a Look at Your Competition

The first and arguably most beneficial resource for you to turn to if you are looking for inspiration is the logos that your competitors are using – and there are a couple of good reasons why taking the time to check out your competitors’ logos can help you come up with your own design.

To start, a good logo needs to be unique enough for customers to notice it and differentiate it from other logos in the same industry. In other words, it’s important for you to design a logo that is distinguishable from the logos that your competitors are using. Of course, you won’t know what logos your competitors are using unless you take the time to check them out. Researching other logos in your industry can give you good feel for what has been done already – and, more importantly, what’s been done too much – so you are able to ensure that the design you come up with stands out from the crowd.

On the flip side of the coin, researching your competitors’ logos can give you an idea of what is working in your industry. While it’s essential to ensure that your logo is unique enough to be distinguishable, there’s also no harm in drawing inspiration from companies in your industry that have already created an effective logo design.

In the end, there is a fine balance between borrowing proven design elements from your competitors and ensuring that your logo stands out from the crowd. Taking the time to research the logo designs that your competitors are using, though, is the only way to find this all-important balance.

Spend Some Time on Pinterest

The go-to social media platform for all things visual and artsy, Pinterest is a great site to browse if you are on the hunt for inspiration. In addition to enabling you to browse through thousands of different logo designs, Pinterest also enables you to search for art and designs pertaining to a near infinite range of subject matter. If you own landscaping company, for example, searching things such as “landscaping logo” or “landscaping clip art” on Pinterest will pull up plenty of results for you to draw inspiration from.

Doodle Your Designs

If you are in the process of coming up with a design for your logo, you should always keep a notebook and pen or pencil nearby. Often times, simply doodling random design ideas down on a piece of paper is how the best designs are born. While coming up with designs in your head is great, doodling them down on paper is typically a far better way to find inspiration for the perfect logo design.

Need A Professional Online Logo Maker? Thousands of businesses have trusted LogoMyWay. Our logo maker has hundreds of unique logo designs to choose from. Make your own logo in just 5 minutes.

Get Started Now There are several key reasons why sketching out design ideas can be so helpful. For one, it enables you to see your design on paper – even if its in a crude form – and evaluate it from there. Many times, designs that sound great in theory often don’t end up looking all that all appealing once they are brought to life. This means that simply scribbling down your design idea and taking a look at it can often help you decide whether or not the design is worth pursuing.

Another reason why sketching your design ideas can help you find inspiration is the fact that inspiration is often born out of the creation process. Writers tend to find inspiration mid-sentence, painters mid-stroke, and so on – in the same way that inspiration fuels the act of creation, the act of creation can often fuel inspiration as well.

Write Down the Objectives for Your Logo

In many ways, a logo is work of art. Unlike most art, though, a logo is a tool that is designed to accomplish a very specific set of purposes. If you are looking for inspiration for your logo design, determining what these purposes are can be very beneficial.

Start by asking important questions about the function of the logo you are wanting to design. What kind of brand identity are you looking to establish? What messages are you wanting to convey to your audience? Would you like for your audience to have an emotional response to your logo, and, if so, what response are you looking to elicit?

Asking and answering questions such as these can help you narrow down the function of your logo design, and, once you know the function that you are aiming for, coming up with a design that will perform that function is much easier.

Bring Outside Voices into the Conversation

Just because you are designing your own logo doesn’t mean that you have to complete the process entirely by yourself. You may not have a designer to work with and bounce ideas off of if you are designing your own logo, but you can still search out opinions and ideas from trusted friends and family.

Inspiration often doesn’t do well in a vacuum, and listening to outside voices is certainly one of the best ways to step outside your own perspective and consider design ideas that you might not have otherwise considered. Once you’ve come up with a condensed list of the objectives that you would like your logo design to fulfill, present those objectives to a few trusted friends and see what they have to say.

Create Your Design One Element at a Time

Rather than trying to come up with an entire logo design at once, you may find it easier to create your logo design one element at a time. For example, start by figuring out the color scheme that you want your logo to have, keeping in mind that messages that different colors convey and how those messages will help you accomplish the ultimate purpose of your logo design. Next, move on to the text that your logo will have and the font that your logo’s text will be written in. After you have both the color scheme, text, and font for your logo figured out, start thinking about the images that you would like to use. Before long, you’ll have a complete logo design.

Constructing your logo design in this piece by piece manner can certainly simplify the design process. Rather than waiting on a flash of inspiration to provide you with an idea for the completed design, you can get started right away building your design one element at a time.

If all Else Fails, Hire a Designer

If you’ve tried everything to come up with the perfect design for your business’s logo and are still falling short, it may be time to consider professional help. While it’s true that no one knows your business like you do and you will need to provide your designer with plenty of guidance for the best results, it’s also true that talented designers are experts at examining a brand and its objectives before coming up with an ideal logo design for that brand. If all else fails, hiring a logo designer who has performed the process of creating a unique and interesting design countless times before can certainly be very helpful.

Of course, the only thing more inspiring than working with a single talented logo designer is working with dozens of them. In addition to providing our customers with the ability to create their own logo using our online logo maker, LogoMyWay also enables you to create a logo design contest and receive hundreds of different designs straight to your inbox.

If you think that looking through hundreds of designs sent in from talented designers all over the world is a great way to find inspiration for your company’s logo then you are absolutely right. In fact, our logo design contest process makes it easier than ever before to find the perfect logo for your company simply by giving you an abundance of variety to choose from. If you are still having trouble coming up with a great logo design after following the tips outlined above, rest assured in the fact that inspiration – as well as the perfect logo – is just a logo design contest away.

5 Benefits of Choosing an Internet Online Marketing Advertising Business

Internet marketing continues to grow in popularity and interest. More and more companies are looking to Internet marketing for their businesses as they realize the strength of the system. Companies and businesses manage to become more popular and more recognizable while receiving more traffic and sales through online marketing.
The #1 Internet Home Based Business!

There are plenty of businesses that attempt Internet online marketing on their own. They think that they can handle all of the intricate aspects of online marketing, but will often fail to provide their company with the success that they could achieve.

If you are thinking about online marketing you need to hire an Internet online marketing advertising business. This business will provide you with the professionalism that you need to succeed.

Less Work for You

The simplest but most beneficial benefit stems from the fact that Internet marketing businesses make your life easier. They do all of the work for you, opening your time up to other projects. You can still have the Internet marketing that you need without taking up valuable company time.

Professional Experience

Internet marketing businesses have done this before, and will be experienced in the area of online marketing. Their professional experience will help them to give you the most successful Internet marketing possible. They will avoid what has not worked in the past and will highlight the things that have worked; this will make your marketing campaign efficient and successful.


An Internet marketing business will know how to directly connect with your target audience. They are experienced with target markets, and will be able to connect with them on levels that you may not have been able to do on your own. This connection is incredibly important, as it leads to interest, sales, and loyalty.


Internet marketing businesses have a wide repertoire of services for you to choose from. Their abilities outnumber the abilities of those who attempt to do Internet marketing on their own without any experience. They will simply provide you with as many tools as possible.


Online marketing businesses are known for being creative. They try to push boundaries and change tactics to keep campaign exciting and fresh. These professionals will bring creativity to your campaign that you would not be able to bring alone.

These five benefits show how a professional Internet online marketing advertising business can help your company to reach its potential. The tactics that have been refined and perfected by these companies will help to drive traffic to your website and will raise awareness of your company and brand. To put it simply, these professionals will be able to achieve results that few would be able to achieve when trying online marketing out on their own. If you want your online marketing to be successful you need to rely on one of these professional companies.

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Alasan Mengapa Slot Gacor Sangat Populer di Indonesia

Slot online adalah permainan Casino yang menggunakan mesin slot tetapi versi online. Game slot ini sangat digemari oleh banyak orang di dunia karena permainan yang seru dan bisa membuat Anda meraih keuntungan dengan cepat. Situs nagamenslot sebagai pusat slot online menyediakan permainan game slot online terbaik dan terpercaya saat ini dan memiliki koleksi permainan terlengkap serta RTP slot gacor tertinggi di Indonesia 2023.

Situs slot online nagamenslot sudah lama resmi di Indonesia dan legal beroperasi, oleh karena itu Anda tidak perlu khawatir akan di tipu di situs slot gacor. nagamenslot menjadi populer karena sudah banyak member slot yang puas bermain ditempat kami dan tidak terhitung bonus yang kami keluarkan untuk mereka dari puluhan juta hingga ratusan juta rupiah setiap hari. Jika Anda penasaran ada baiknya Anda buktikan sendiri di slot online terbaik nagamenslot.

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Setelah Anda daftar dewa nagamenslot dan login, pasti Anda punya pertanyaan bagaimana cara bertransaksi atau melakukan deposit. Beberapa metode deposit yang bisa Anda gunakan adalah dengan via Bank, E-Money, dan deposit pulsa. Transaksi nagamenslot deposit pulsa bisa menggunakan Telkomsel.

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Network Marketing: Top 4 Reasons People Fail

Network marketing is probably the best business model the
average person can use to achieve real success in their
life. The low start up costs, excellent training and
support, and the friendship and mentoring of other like
minded people all combine to make it a real opportunity
that is available and easily accessible to people from any
walk of life.

But most people fail miserably. Why is that? Well,
first of all, it’s important to realize that most people
fail in any type of business venture. Look at the facts:

-95% of small businesses are out of business within the
first five years according to the Small Business
Administration (SBA)

-According to the Social Security Administration, by age
65 only 1% of Americans are wealthy, 4% are financially
independent, 5 % are still working (against their will!)
36% are dead, and 54% are flat broke.

Both examples point to the same thing: Only five percent
of people succeed in life. Just five out of a hundred
businesses make it, and just five in 100 people earn
financial independence in their lifetimes. This is
important to understand, because the failure rate of
network marketing (which happens to be 95%) is easily
misunderstood, and the industry as a whole is condemned
because of it.

So if the problem isn’t really the industry as a whole,
but simple human nature, are ninety five percent of us
doomed to failure and there’s nothing we can do about it?
Of course not! As a matter of fact, often times the
difference between the successful and the not-so-successful
is very small. Usually a difference in choices,
mindset, and that elusive quality entrepreneurs call
“intestinal fortitude”. Successful people just don’t quit
as easily as most.

So, assuming you have the qualities of success, and you
want to succeed in Network Marketing, it’s important to
know why it is most people fail, and how you can avoid the

So here are the four main causes of failure:

1. Lack of money

This one is a deal breaker for a lot of people. They just
don’t have the money to market their business. Often
times, they joined the business and didn’t understand that
it was a business! Yes, Network Marketing is a business.
But it’s unique from all other businesses in that you start
at the top of your organization, and work down. In
traditional business you start at the bottom and work up,
but not here. You are, on day one, the CEO, President,
Vice President of Marketing, and Chief Bottle Washer all
rolled into one! And your business needs to be marketed.
The days of “Make a list and talk to your friends and
family” are all but gone. That method may work for a short
time, but who are you going to talk to when you run out of
friends and family? You need to market your business.
Whether it’s through calling purchased leads on the phone,
marketing to a lead capture and sales page, running ads in
papers, or doing meetings and parties, you need money to
professionally market your business.

The good news is that you don’t need very much money. And
with the emergence of the internet, I’m proud to say that
the amount you need is going down while the results are
going up. As a matter of fact, my leads now pay me! Talk
about a paradigm shift. I used to spend hundreds of
dollars every month marketing my business, now my marketing
budget is funded 100% through my marketing efforts. More
on that later.

The first thing you need to realize about Network
Marketing is that it’s designed to be part-time. There are
people that desperately need to make money, that just flat
out shouldn’t be in the business yet. The idea is to have
a J-O-B (Just over broke!) that makes you enough money to
live on, and spend $50-200 a month on marketing your
network marketing business. Once your business gets going,
make sure and invest a portion of your income back into
your business. I invested 20% of my commissions into my
business for the first nine months, and when my Network
Marketing income exceeded $4,000 a month, I didn’t have to
spend near that much any more. But investing 20% was more
than enough to get my business up to a full-time income. I
know other people that invest ALL their money back in until
they make a full-time income. The point is, make sure your
financial house is in order while you build your Network
Marketing business, or it takes a lot of the fun out of it.

2. Lack of Activity

This one will drive you nuts if you are a leader in your
organization. You find somebody great, they have all the
skills, they are willing to invest in their business, they
look good, smell good, sound good, but they don’t DO
anything! And you spend your time coaxing, prodding,
inviting, chauffering, paying for their convention ticket,
but in the end it’s all a waste of time. Remember the
statistic: 95% fail in ANYTHING? Well, this is a major
reason why. And you can’t do much about this, all you can
control is you. Here’s the best advice I can give on this:

1. If you want your team to go into momentum, YOU have
to go into momentum.

2. Work with the willing. Those that would rather
watch the season finale of latest reality show, rather
than work their business, just aren’t going to the top
with you. Don’t waste your time. Keep looking!

Remember, “You can run with a thousand, but you can’t
carry three.” -Jim Rohn

If a person is struggling with activity, it’s probably for
one simple reason: They don’t want it bad enough. If
their why is big the how becomes easy. But again, you
can’t fix this, you simply have to go through the numbers
until you find those passionate few that really want
success, then sprint with them. If you are personally
struggling with your activity level, you need to evaluate
your why. You simply don’t have enough passion for what
you’re doing.

3. Lack of People to Talk To

There are three types of leads in Network Marketing:

1. Warm Market. These are the people that already know
you and (hopefully!) trust you.

2. Purchased leads.

3. Self Generated leads.

Your “Warm Market” is a list of people that already know
you, like you, and trust you. Your Warm Market is your
personal network. According to Paul Zane Pilzer, author of
“The Next Millionaires”, this personal network is absolutely
key to your success in any venture you attempt. In Network
Marketing this is especially true. Even if somebody in
your warm market isn’t interested for themselves, they have
their own network that they will open up to you if they
trust that you will show respect and be professional in
your marketing to their friends and family. Warm Market
leads are great because they are free, the problem is that
most people in Network Marketing never graduate past their
list of friends and family. And very few people are ever
going to be good at cold market prospecting. But if you
work your warm market effectively, you will probably find a
handful of leaders for your organization, and learn the
skills and company knowledge you need before heading into
purchased leads and self generated leads.

The next type of lead is a Purchased Lead. These are leads
that you purchase from a “Lead Broker”. Purchased leads
are easy to get, there are a million lead brokers out there
selling batches of leads, in varying quantities. Be
careful, and make sure and deal with a reputable lead
broker, but leads can be a good way to go, especially if
you are new. But I recommend that as soon as possible you
learn to generate your own leads.

Self generated leads are the third type of lead. One
method of self generated lead I really like is called a
“Funded Proposal”. This method is a lot of fun, because it
not only generates good quality leads, but it makes you
money! For example, here’s how I do it. I found a book on-
line that I really like. It cost me $27, and has full re-
sale rights. What that means is that I can sell the book
for whatever price I want, and keep all the money. The
book I sell is called, “Net MLM Profits”. The reason I
like to sell it is because it has so much good content for
network marketers, teaching all the latest on-line
and skills network marketers need to succeed in their
business. To market my e-book I have a
Capture Page and a Sales Page where people can buy the
book. I charge $27, the same price I paid. I then market
the book on the internet (I learned how to do that in the

Now, this is where it gets fun. Who would be interested
in a book about succeeding in Network Marketing? That’s
right, Network Marketers. Who responds to my
advertisements and goes to my sign up page? Is the light
bulb coming on for you right now? I hope so. You see,
every month I generate HUNDREDS of qualified network
marketing leads. And enough of them buy the book that it
pays for my web-site, my advertising, and even makes a
profit! It’s the best system I have found for generating
leads. To see the system I just described go to:

4. Lack of Skills and Knowledge

This is the fourth reason people fail in the business.
Who can learn something new? Anybody can if they want to.
But how many people are willing to? Did you know that 65%
of High School graduates never read another book in their
life?! Sad but true. Referring back to our 95% failure
rate, if the majority of people don’t even read a book
after High School, it adds a lot of light at the end of the
success tunnel for those of us willing to learn and apply
ourselves! It doesn’t take much to beat the masses. All
the wisdom of the world is available free on-line and at
the library, but here’s another statistic for you, only 3%
of Americans own a library card! Again, you don’t have to
be a superstar to get in the 5% club, you just have to be
willing to learn the skills and habits of success.

In Network Marketing the buzzword for developing skills is
“Personal Development”. Every decent Network Marketing
company that lasts long term has a culture of personal
development. What is personal development? The best
explanation I ever heard was this one:

1. Read at least 10 pages a day in a personal
development book.

2. Listen for at least 20 minutes a day to a good audio.

3. Attend a live seminar at least quarterly.

These are three habits that anybody can work into their life. It doesn’t take that much time to read ten pages,
just give up one half hour date with the idiot box. And
listening to 20 minutes of a good audio is easy for most
people as well, because we spend that much time or more
driving. The radio is nothing more than “bubble gum for
the brain”, why not turn it off and put on something that
can change your life? And again, personal development
audios are available from the library if you are on a tight

So those are the four main reasons people fail, and how to
succeed in spite of them. It has been said that, “a
problem defined is halfway solved.” Hopefully just by
identifying the four main causes of failure you now can
tackle your Network Marketing business with more confidence
and enjoy the “Rock Star” income Network Marketing promises.

Internet Marketing For Network Marketers – Using Web 2.0 to Explode Your MLM Lead Generation

Are you using the Internet Marketing to attract leads to your MLM business? Or are you still spending time and money chasing opportunity leads to grow your Network Marketing business?

The World Wide Web is undergoing a change in the way that people interact and network with the growth of Social Network sites. There are thousands of Social Networks springing up all over the Web (in fact there are over 2000 already!) and this represents a huge opportunity for smart Business Owners to generate leads for their business and they’re FREE!

Sites such as Facebook and MySpace are well known, and used, by the Generation Y’s to socialize and share information, images and music etc. But Network Marketers are now maximizing these sites, and many others, to generate leads for their businesses and explode their downline recruiting. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using Internet Marketing and Social Networking in particular to grow your Network Marketing business.

The new generation of Renegade Network Marketers are challenging the traditional methods for growing a Network Marketing business. It’s not a matter of one way being right or wrong it really is just a matter of using the “advantages” that are available by marketing on the internet and maximizing the power of new Web 2.0 technologies to grow your business fast than ever before.

What’s Social Networking?

Basically any site that allows the users to generate content by interacting, sharing information and connecting with other users is a Social network site. This new generation of websites are called Web 2.0 sites or technologies and their growth is phenomenal.

How can you use Social Networking Sites to generate Leads?

There are so many ways to generate leads for free utilizing Web 2.0 sites that it can be quite daunting when you first start. To describe each method fully, I would need to write a complete book, but I would like to give you an outline of each so that you understand the options you have available and some example websites to start with. Note that these are only some of the free internet marketing options available to you and most overlap in terms of maximizing your positioning in the “natural search” results for Search Engines. Your Free “Social” Internet marketing options include:

Content Sharing: Example sites: Squidoo, Hubpages – Where you simply post information to share with others. You could be posting information about a single idea or event (such as an upcoming training) or simply sharing information about yourself or your company. These are narrative style posts that are designed to create interest and enhance your positioning on search engines.

Article Posting: Example Site: Ezine Articles, Idea Marketers – Taking Content Sharing a step further, you become an Author and create articles (much like this one) designed to educate and inform. You then can ‘post’ these articles to various sites on the internet so that they can be viewed and shared with e-Zine (electronic magazine) publishers. While article posting may increase your search engine ranking, the intention behind article posting is to give good information in your content so that online publishers will use your articles in their e-zines and extend your marketing reach to their readers. This gives you an opportunity to speak to a highly targeted group and positions you as an expert in your field.

Book Marking: Example site: Digg, – Services that allow you to “flag” or “book mark” individual pages on the internet that interest you. This allows you to form a Network of all of the places on the internet where you have content and link them to each other. Great for improving your search engine traffic and also allows your web visitors to access all of the information you have posted online. Fantastic to cross promote with other marketers and to ‘give back’ to other authors that you believe are offering valuable information.

Social Sites: Example Sites: Face Book, MySpace, Direct Matches, Yuwie, Wowzza – These are networking or social gathering sites for internet users. Much like offline networking clubs, users set up a personal profile and then introduce themselves to other members. Online the networking is done by requesting other users to become your “friend” and view your profile. You can then exchange information and, depending upon the site, interact through groups with users with similar interests.

Blogging: Example Site: Square Space, Blogger – A Blog in it’s basic form is simply an online diary. A place where you can share your knowledge, thoughts, feelings, opinions etc with the online community. Many people keep personal blogs to let family and friends know what they are up to, others post blogs to rally support for their organisations or causes while business owners can use blogs to share updated information with their customer and to advertise their business. To be successful a blog needs to be “updated”, or have posts added to it frequently – most popular blogs have daily (or more frequent) postings. Blog entries tend to be shorter and more relaxed in nature than article postings and often include pictures and/or videos. All online Network Marketing campaigns should include a blogg as part of your overall marketing strategy.

Video Sharing: Example Site: YouTube – The social media that is exploding beyond all belief. This technology allows you to create a video and upload this to the Web for other users to view. Video sharing has already made superstars out of previously unknown musical artists by the “viral effect” created when users share the videos with their friends and networks. For the Network Marketers video sharing is powerful as you can create a video, upload it, then link this to your other social marketing such as blogs, networking sites, content sharing lens etc, etc etc

Plus many more…The opportunities appear endless but is important for you to know that the emphasis in Social Network Marketing is to provide good information. If you approach these methods only with the idea of “selling”, either your product or your opportunity, then you will quickly find that you run out of “friends” that are willing to hear your message. Exactly like Word of Mouth advertising in the offline market.

So where do you start? I suggest you focus on one method at a time and get your first listing “up” as quickly as possible. If you spend too much time trying to make your first article perfect then you will probably never actually post anything at all.

If you are new to the internet or Social Marketing, then I suggest that you follow a step by step program that shows you exactly where to start. The system that I use to train our Team is The Renegade University. Two of the books/systems that I use and recommend are Ann Sieg’s “The Renegade Network Marketer” and Mike Dillard’s “Magnetic Sponsoring”. Both of these systems teach you not only how to generate leads for free, but how to “monetize” the process so that you can actually generate revenue through the process. This helps to overcome another obstacle for many Network Marketers of not having enough cash flow to build their business. Two things every Network Marketer needs – more leads and greater cash flow! The perfect combination.

Remembering of course that anything you do in building your Network Marketing Business needs to be duplicatable by your team. The exact system that you chose, or the methods that you use, are less important than the mind shift you need to do in order to recognize the value of this new marketing system and then get into action to implement this into your business.

So put down that phone, stop cold calling leads and start your Internet Social Marketing Campaign today. You will be amazed by the opportunities that are available to you if you spend the time and energy in learning to maximize Internet Network Marketing.

MLM Multilevel Network Marketing – 4 Crucial Keys to Success

MLM multilevel network marketing is a lucrative business–for the 5% who succeed. The depressing reality is that 95% of the millions of people who join even the top network marketing companies never make it.

There are four key components that must be in place for you to succeed in MLM multilevel network marketing.

  • A solid company.
  • A great product or products.
  • A strong team (upline).
  • An effective system.

A Solid Company:

This component may be the hardest to evaluate on the front end as every company will claim to be the best.

Here are a few things to look for:

  • What are their assets?
  • How much debt to they carry?
  • Have they proven they have staying power?
  • How well do they reward their distributors?
  • How charitable are they as a company?
  • What is the track record of the owner’s before this company?

But maybe the most important: What do their distributors have to say?

If they are financially viable, pay well, give back and receive high marks from their distributors, they are most likely a company worth working for.

A Great Network Marketing Product:

A great network marketing product is the backbone of a solid, well-respected MLM multilevel network marketing business. I would even go so far to say that it is unethical to sell something you do not believe in.

What determines if what you are selling is worth selling?

  • It meets a need in a person’s life, whether real or perceived.
  • It is a good value to the person buying it.
  • You believe in it enough to sell it to your closest friends and family.

If what you are selling meets these criteria, you will also want to look at marketability.

  1. Unlimited Audience: MLM multilevel network marketing is a numbers game. The larger your potential audience, the more potential people you have to sell to. Ideally you would like to be able to target the young and the old and men as well as women, to not disqualify entire populations of people with what you are marketing.
  2. Consumable: Large sales volume is the desired result of network marketing. The faster your costumers consume the sooner they are going to re-order. It makes sense to distribute a product that has to be re-ordered on a monthly basis.
  3. Convenient: You want to be part of a company that has a convenient, automated distribution plan. The less a person has to remember (or you have to call and remind them) to put in their order the better. Companies with auto-ship plans can help assure that your consumers are consistently ordering their product.
  4. Timing: You want what you are marketing to be something that many people desire-something with momentum–it is up-and-coming, it is expanding into new markets, it is exciting and people are talking about it. It is so much easier and more profitable to try to sell on the front end of a revolution than the back end.
  5. Profitability: How easy is it to make money in the company? What type of system do they have set up to pay their distributors? You probably will be more excited about selling a great network marketing product if you make money doing it.

Ultimately, when we define success in mlm multilevel network marketing, making money must be a significant part of the equation. Without it we just have a hobby, which is fine for some, but I doubt what you are looking for. When looking at a network marketing opportunity, you have to honestly consider whether you will be earning enough in the long run to make it worth your time.

Ask yourself:

  1. What are the start-up costs going to be?
  2. How much will I be spending on a monthly basis to remain active?
  3. How many hours will I have to invest to be successful, and do I realistically have that many hours?
  4. Does the compensation plan make sense and look like it will pay well?
  5. How are those in my up line doing? The company can promise great things but what is important is how this plays out in real life.
  6. How much do I really want to make: enough to pay for my product, enough to help out with the bills, or enough to become financially free?

You need to weigh out expenses against likely income and make sure you are not going to be spending more than you will be making. After all, it doesn’t do much good to make an extra $20,000 a year if you are spending that in product, training, conferences, advertising, etc. Imagine how frustrated you will be if you become “successful” in your company and still not make any money!

A Strong Team:

Anyone who wants to start a legitimate network marketing business should choose their team carefully. This begins with choosing your team and not allowing your team to choose you.

A weak up line, even in the best MLM companies, is the cause for failure of many marketers–the reason for this is that very few people research their up line before joining their company–the majority of the time they are joining at the request of family and friends. The opportunity sounds great at the moment but the excitement fades quickly as the false hopes do not become reality. Both the up line and the down line struggle along for a while but eventually just give up–sometimes intentionally and sometimes they just lose momentum over time.

A good team is crucial to your success in network marketing.
Like athletics, or a Broadway musical, or an orchestra, success in network marketing is all about the team.

Imagine being a part of a strong team:

1. You will have a strong upline supporting you and coaching you throughout your journey. Not only will they lead well, but they will be personally active, consistently placing people under you in your business. They will also provide the knowledge, training and encouragement you need to succeed.

A great up line saves you valuable time by allowing you to move in the right direction the first time. You will work smarter and not harder. Instead of wasting your own time, effort, and resources figuring everything out on your own, you benefit from those who have gone before you and the lessons they have learned. You soon find yourself achieving everything you are hoping for in your own business.

2. You will be striving to be the best you can be–playing your role and not expecting anyone else to do it for you. You will do what it takes to draw new leads and attract others to the team, as consumers as well as business builders. You will be leading those under you the same way your upline is leading you. As their coach, you will teach, train, equip and motivate your team helping to assure their success as you secure yours.

3. Those under you will be playing their role too. They will be learners who educate themselves about their new opportunity; they will ask questions and set themselves up to succeed. They will be motivated, self-starters who will multiply themselves by creating their own teams, thus strengthening the team as a whole. As you continue to develop people underneath you, you will start experiencing the power of multiplication and see true success as a team.

On any team there are advantages to being the star player. These are the players that make the team significantly better and take everyone to the next level. Be the best player you can be. Just realize that one of the things that makes a player great is the ability to make the team great. Without a strong network marketing team you will not become a top player in the industry. A great team works together to help each other succeed.

Action Steps:

  • Join a great team.
  • Be determined to work hard and to play your part.
  • Multiply yourself through others with a powerful system.

An Effective System:
You now know the importance of joining a great company, marketing a great product and choosing the right team.

But the main reason network marketers succeed or fail comes down to one word: SYSTEM.

All mlm multilevel network marketing companies claim to have a great system–they all have their unique intricacies that sets them apart from the pack, according to their creators. But the truth is that many of them have the same basic system.

What is this system?

  • Sign up (an autoship if applicable).
  • Come up with a compelling “Why” that will keep you motivated when you get discouraged.
  • Make a list of your 200 closest family and friends.
  • Invite all of them to a living room meeting or a hotel presentation.
  • When you run out of those contacts, start talking to everyone within three feet of you wherever you are (the 3 foot rule).
  • When that doesn’t work there is always the option of purchasing leads.
  • Get as many people as possible to sign up knowing that 10-20% of those you talk to will and 5% of those will stick with it. (Those that do say “no” really don’t mean “no” they just mean “not right now.”)
  • Get those who are serious to attend your regional and national conferences.
  • Keep a positive mental attitude by reading books, buying and listening to cd’s and attending hotel meetings and conferences.
  • Have your downline duplicate this system with everyone they know.

This has been the standard system for years amongst almost all multi level marketing companies. There is only one problem with this: it doesn’t work for 95% of the people who try it.

Is there a better way–a better network marketing tool available?

Was there a better system than the horse and buggy? At the time most people didn’t think so. It was all most people could imagine. Why? Because that was what they were familiar with. Even when the automobile was introduced, the general population thought it was a crazy concept that would never catch on–except for the few willing to think outside the box.

Is the purpose of this post to bash traditional network marketing? Not at all. For those who succeed, it provides freedoms most people in this world, even in America, never experience.

Freedoms such as:

  • Time to enjoy life.
  • The ability to provide for your family.
  • The reality of living debt free.
  • The enjoyment of leisure and travel.

But there is a better way: ONLINE NETWORK MARKETING.

Online MLM is working through the same multi level marketing companies in a new way.

Here is the difference:

  • In traditional MLM you try to convince people that they are interested in your opportunity–family and friends, those in line with you at the grocery store, and through cold calling.
  • In online MLM you are attracting people to your opportunity who are already looking for an opportunity through leveraging the power of the internet.

Here is a good analogy that explains the difference between the two systems. Let’s say you decided to start a small dog breeding business. You breed dogs which sell for around $1000 each.

You have two ways you could choose to sell your puppies:

  1. You could go to all of your friends, family and even total strangers and try to convince them that they should buy a $1000 dog from you. OR
  2. You could advertise them online and have people contact you who are already looking to spend $1000 on a dog.

Which makes more sense? Obviously option #2. It is much easier and more enjoyable to sell puppies when others are coming to you already interested in what you are offering.

The same is true in mlm multilevel network marketing. You will enjoy yourself much more and have immeasurably greater success if you choose option #2.

10 Steps To Network Marketing Online Success

I just want to start out by saying that network marketing online is the only way to go if you really want to be successful in network marketing. The problem is that marketing online is like a jungle of hot new push button systems that promise to solve all of your problems combined with a sea of information which results in people getting overwhelmed and quitting very easily.

Today I’m not offering a fancy new push button system or anything like that but I am going to lay out a ten step formula for you to become successful at network marketing online.

10 Steps To Network Marketing Online Success

1 – Network Marketing Company

Obviously in order for you to be success at network marketing online you will need to join a company, it doesn’t matter what company you join as long as it has a great business model and you are joining leaders who will help you.

2 – Auto-Responder and Sales Funnel

Before you start driving traffic and generating leads you want a place to store your leads in order to build your list which is your auto-responder and you want a sales funnel in place so can have multiple income streams coming in on complete auto-pilot.

3 – Funded Proposal

The moment someone opts into your lead capture page you want to be offering a cheap information product or marketing system that is targeted to your niche, this allows you to make up front income even if people say no to joining your company.

Everyone who has ever been successful at network marketing online has a funded proposal, My Lead System Pro is a great value packed system you could offer as a funded proposal.

4 – Capture Pages

You need lead capture pages in order to capture your prospects details and I don’t mean your company’s replicated websites you need to stand out from the crowd, always remember that people join people they do not join companies. (Unless all your stars are aligned)

When it comes to network marketing online your lead capture pages have to be congruent with your marketing message, without matching up your marketing with your capture pages your opt in rate will be very low.

5 – Web Presence

If you really want to be successful at network marketing online you need a web presence, now a lead capture page is a web presence but if you are serious about network marketing online you need a personal blog, your blog will be your marketing nerve centre.

A personal blog will allow you to build relationships and trust with your prospects, you can send everyone from the social networks to your blog, you can generate leads by putting an opt in form on your blog, you can do reviews on affiliate products and monetize your blog, and so much more.

Take a look around at every successful person online and you will see that they have a personalized blog, if you want to be successful at network marketing online just do what the leaders are doing, create a personal web presences. (Blog)

6 – Learning and Taking Action

It’s only natural to want to learn about the things you are passionate about so if you’re really passionate about network marketing online then start digging into every online marketing course that you can get your hands on, you know the old saying “Knowledge Is Power”.

I would HIGHLY recommend learning attraction marketing and the BEST resource for this is Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring.

Knowledge is power but it’s nothing without action! You have to take action and go through the trials and tribulations yourself and in doing so you will become a leader because in order for you to become a leader you first must lead the way. (Action)

7 – Marketing Strategy

There are a ton of ways to market online and if you focus on that fact you will get overwhelmed so don’t focus on how many online marketing strategy there are and just pick ONE.

If you have never generated a lead online before then I could never be more serious when I say ONLY pick ONE marketing strategy and FOCUS on that one strategy until you are generating leads.

I’m speaking from personal experience here, I used to be a “jack of all trades and master at none” I used to generate a few leads here and there but no real solid lead flow.

It was only when I consistently FOCUSED on ONE marketing strategy that I started to generate over 10 leads per day and it is only increasing as time goes on. (This is with FREE marketing Strategies)

8 – 25 to 50+ Leads Per Day

Make it your goal to reach 25 to 50+ leads per day because when you do you will have every chance of being successful at network marketing online, you will have a totally different outlook on your business.

You won’t care if that one lead doesn’t join your business because you have another 24 or 42 more leads to call on that day alone. (Your Posture Will Change And Your Leads Will Be Attracted To It)

9 – Get On The Phone

Another very important piece of network marketing online is picking up the phone and calling your leads, this is such an important piece of the puzzle and will greatly increase your results.

Most people are afraid to pick up the phone and call their leads but you NEED to get over this if you want to be successful at network marketing online.

In fact if you’ve branded yourself in your marketing calling leads actually becomes fun because when they answer there actually glad you called.

It’s a great feeling when I call someone from the other side of the world and they pick up the phone and say “Ah Billee, How Could I Forget That Name!)… I live in Australia and there are people in America that know my name and follow my content, that’s the power of network marketing online.

Mike Dillard has a great course that teaches you the right way to call your leads, it’s called Black Belt Recruiting. (I’m actually looking at the case now, it’s on my desk)

10 – Teach Your Team

I would have to say the key to massive success in network marketing is DUPLICATION so if you want to build a massive team teach your new business partners the strategies to network marketing online.

To make this process super simple just plug your new business partners into a marketing system like My Lead System Pro and leverage the leaders within that system to train your team.

There You Have It…. 10 Steps To Network Marketing Online Success!

You need to set yourself up for success before you start driving traffic and generating leads that is why I started with the network marketing online foundations.

There is one last step…. Action Action Action! Take massive action towards your goals, become unstoppable and you will succeed!

“See how I personally pieced the network marketing online puzzle together in my FREE Network Marketing 2.0 Training Course”.

What Charming Traffic Really Means to Business Owners

As from the dawn of digital communications, the word traffic has gained prominence as never before. To the close observers of the trend of digital marketing and content creation, their reward has been a great boom in their businesses. Can we say driving traffic or charming traffic to your site? Right from just owning a Facebook account by an individual to the conglomerate website owners the difference is the numbers. Calculating the figures has never been a simple task. If you are in doubt, ask real estate merchants. They will tell you their real estate purchase score is not a matter of calculating numbers only.

The question remaining is, “how can I gain a dedicated following and still sustain my old customers?” Probing this question further, there are still a lot of uncovered truths which needs more time and careful delving before major conclusions. Remember what enthuses one may irritate another, and balancing will do you more good than harm. You can make it in driving enough traffic to your website despite its size. Step up for more promising clients.

What you must consider is the niche of your business and location may not be limited as everything is turning out to be global in operation. Never limit your odds as selling outside your region will do you more good in case the locals are not giving you enough support. Target everybody and aim at getting at least satisfactory prospective customers who will satisfy your sales goals.

It is simple to maneuver in the market today. As we have ever heard, “content is king” and for sure it will forever be. This means, that word that you can incorporate into your writing or that unique style of writing that will leave every reader startled and yearning for more? It has never been an easy job, and even the toughest get it rough sometimes. You may navigate and search through the internet with no satisfying search result. Never give up. There is talent out there. The only sure way to discover this talent is by viewing the various reviews left by those who have used the services ahead of you. They will tell you why, where and how to utilize the most elegant minds in the world. Do not limit yourself to native English speakers as they can miss a point too. Keep an open mind and hence, you will drive enough traffic to your website.